Virgin Express (29 pictures & videos)

Luigi Vallero
Myanmar (PRU) to Belgium (CRL), 23 Mar 2004
Economy Class
Brunch - An open face ciabatta sandwich with
tomato sauce, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes and red onion rings, an open
face ciabatta sandwich with cream cheese, smoked salmon and chives, a
fanned apple frangipane tartlet, a sli (Menu Card)
a mini bottle of Evian water.
Starting in November 2003, Virgin Express started a new venture with Alpha food, meal, catering Plc, providing passengers the opportunity to book their meals online: onboard snacks and munchies are anyway available for reasonable prices. Booking at the Alpha D'lish (short for Delicious) website (www.alphadlish.com) was a straightforward affair, and I could choose my options from an array of 12 different tempting menus. The "lunch box" was presented at my seat by one of the flight attendants during the flight, together with a warm roll. The cardboard box is of a cute design, and contains a wooden fork, spoon and knife, paper napkin and peg, towelette, salt/pepper, bottle of water and plastic glass. Food quality was high, comparable to a business class meal, with fresh and tasty ingredients. The pastries were particularly good, and the snack itself was absolutely adequate for the mid-morning departure of my flight. Pricing too was adequate, having paid 10.45EUR. A very good initiative and a good way to customize your inflight experience.
Date added: 2008-05-21 // Flight: 1:5 // Aircraft: B737-300